Dreaming of heavy rain in a dream is considered one of the dreams that occupies the mind a lot, because one wonders what is the evidence of seeing heavy rain in a dream, does it represent goodness and nourishment as we truly expect it, or does it represent evil with evidence of that. The dreamer sees in a dream, and through this article we learn together about the interpretation of seeing heavy rain from the world’s most famous interpreters, such as some great interpreters.


I dreamed of heavy rain

Dream of What if I dreamed of heavy rain? Islamic Interpretations & Meanings

  • The interpretation of a dream about heavy rain indicates goodness, blessing, and a lot of money.
  • When you see heavy rain, the dreamer represents a compassionate person who feels the circumstances of others, helps them, and stands by them when they face a problem or crisis.
  • If the dreamer is happy when heavy rain falls in the dream, this is evidence that he will receive a major promotion in his job in the coming days and will achieve all his goals and ambitions.
  • If the dreamer is a student who succeeds and gets the highest grades he strives for, and if he is a trader, his trade will be successful and he will benefit greatly.

I dreamed of heavy rain

  • He believes that dreaming of rain in general is a good sign in the dream in all circumstances, as the dreamer’s situation changes for the better.
  • Seeing heavy rain in a dream for someone who has lost a close friend or one of his children is evidence of the return of this absent friend or son, as heavy rain represents goodness.
  • By seeing heavy rain in a dream for a married woman suffering from a delayed pregnancy, it is clear that she is asking God Almighty to become pregnant, and this vision may come true during the coming period, and this is clear evidence that it is. . Prayers will be answered.
  • The dream indicates that the dreamer is experiencing a state of joy and pleasure, whether because he obtained money or work, or because he got rid of some of the problems he was suffering from, or because he stood in a great position, which makes this a wonderful thing. A manifestation that makes him feel peace of mind during this period and makes him see this vision in a dream.

The dream interpretation website on the Internet is a site specialized in dream interpretation in the Arab world. Just write the dream interpretation website on the Internet, search on Google, and get the correct interpretations.


I dreamed of one heavy rain

  • If a single girl sees that she is walking in heavy rain in her dream, this is evidence that her desire will be fulfilled in reality. This girl has been calling her for a long time, and this dream may be a sign. Her marriage to a respectable and polite young man.
  • If a single girl sees in a dream that she is crying in the rain, and that she is going through a state of anxiety, then it is good for her that God will comfort her soon.
  • If it is raining in the summer in a dream, the interpretation of this dream for a single woman is happy news about her upcoming marriage and the success of the relationship between her and her husband in a good way.

A married woman dreamed of heavy rain

  • Heavy rain falling on a married woman indicates that she will soon hear the good news that she has been waiting for for a long time.
  • It is said that a dream of heavy rain is evidence that the dreamer feels happy and stable in her married life, and that there is livelihood in every corner of her home.
  • But if the dreamer is a newly married woman, and she sees heavy rain falling on her head in the dream, this indicates that she will become pregnant soon, and God knows best.

A pregnant woman dreamed of heavy rain

  • If a pregnant woman sees heavy rain in a dream, this represents the abundant money that she and her family will receive, or it may be a sign of the health and safety of the fetus and the ease with which it will be born.
  • Some commentators also said that seeing a pregnant woman in a dream with heavy rain may indicate that the baby will be a boy, God willing.
  • However, if a pregnant woman is walking in a dream in heavy rain, this indicates that she feels psychological comfort and reassurance, because she is optimistic about her future son.
  • However, if the dreamer suffers from a health problem that threatens the continuation of her pregnancy, and she sees heavy rain in her dream, this indicates that God Almighty will heal her, restore her, and end her pregnancy well.

The most famous interpretations of dreams about heavy rain

I dreamed of very heavy rain

Seeing rain that was very heavy indicates that the dreamer will overcome the problems and difficulties that he is going through in the current period and will achieve his dreams that he has been struggling for for a long time, and it was said that there is abundance. Rain: The dream indicates the recovery of the sick person, the traveler’s return to his family, and an increase in the money he needs.

If the dreamer is unemployed and not working and sees in the dream that he is storing heavy rain falling from the sky, this indicates that he will get a great job in the coming days.


I dreamed of heavy rain while praying

Supplication during the time of heavy rain in the dream. If the dreamer is married and does not have children yet, and he sees that he is talking to God Almighty about heavy rain, then this is evidence that his wife will become pregnant soon.

I dreamed of heavy rain and I was under it

If the dreamer is currently going through a difficult period and sees himself under heavy rain in the dream, this indicates that he will be ready for this period and good changes for the better will occur in his life. Moving on to a much better job with better pay.

I dreamed of heavy rain and torrential rain

Heavy rains and streams in a dream indicate an illness or a major disaster that may befall the country in which the dreamer lives, so he prays to God Almighty to continue his blessings upon everyone and seeks help from God Almighty. If he takes it out, the dream shows that his enemies are planning to harm his family and he wants to protect them.

I dreamed of heavy rain and snow

If heavy rain indicates the approaching marriage and entry into a love relationship in the coming period, the snow may be evidence of emotional coldness and difficulty achieving a stable state between the two parties.

If you see rain and snow in a dream, this indicates a life in which many things change at the level of mental health, and a certain decision can be made, and then a moment later this decision is replaced by something else, and the vision appears These are the next few days. Difficult or full of anxiety and confusion, but the dreamer decides his position on these matters presented to him.


I dreamed of heavy rain in the summer

Heavy rain in the summer, if it is harmless, is a sign of goodness, and the dreamer is ahead of his friends in all aspects of his life, but if he sees heavy rain in the summer causing damage and destruction, then the vision here shows evil and reveals that the country in which the dreamer lives is heading to a difficult year in which there are no resources. And there are many epidemics and diseases.

If the dreamer is a farmer, and the vision of heavy rains in the summer, and he sees the crops thriving, then this indicates a great harvest that will satisfy his needs.