The meaning of the dream is that I see that I am on a high mountain in a dream. The land is full of different terrains, high and low. The mountain is considered the highest of the heights, as it is higher than the plateau and the hill.

Dream of My I am on a high mountain Islamic Interpretations & Meanings

When a young man sees that he is on the top of a high mountain in his dream, this indicates his high status among people and that he will gain great power.

A pregnant woman who sees that she is on a high mountain in her dream, God knows best, expects her to witness relief from the interest in her life, and it will give her a high position.

Seeing someone on top of a mountain in a dream indicates that he is doing some good deeds and charity for the sick, the poor and the orphans.

Dreaming of reaching the top of a mountain is a sign that may be a sign that God knows best, and a sign of achieving the ambitions and wishes that he wants.

God knows best that seeing a person on a high mountain in a dream may indicate that he is on the right path through which he will achieve his dreams, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a mountain climbing and descending in a dream

Seeing an unmarried girl climbing a mountain with difficulty indicates the problems and troubles that she will face until her marriage is completed.

When a married woman sees that she is climbing a mountain with difficulty in her dream, then God knows best, it may be a sign of problems and crises in her life between her and her husband.

In a dream, seeing oneself ascending Mount Arafat indicates one’s ability and capacity to gain knowledge and blessings from religious men.

Seeing yourself climbing a mountain in a dream and being able to do so indicates that the person will achieve what he wants and hopes for.

And the widow who sees herself climbing a mountain with difficulty in her dream, God knows best, may indicate her inability to overcome the crisis of losing her husband, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing collapsing mountains in a dream

When a person sees in a dream that mountains are collapsing, then God knows best, it may be a sign of the death of the president or the king who rules the country.

Seeing a mountain collapsing in a dream may indicate, God knows best, that many problems and disputes will occur between family members.

In a dream, dreaming of a mountain collapsing indicates that the person’s family is full of evil people and that he cannot follow in the footsteps of any of them.

To see a mountain trip in a dream, it may be possible that there is good news on the way to him, and it may be possible that there is good news on the way to him and a sign for a person who lives in a city where there are many people with bad morals and weak faith.

A dream about a mountain shaking and cracking in a dream may indicate that there is good news on the way to him, and perhaps it is possible, God knows best, that it is an indication of good news and a sign of the shocks that the dreamer is exposed to, and he may be shocked by someone close to him, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing an easy descent from a mountain in a dream

When a person sees in a dream that he is descending quickly from a mountain, this means the great profits that the person will achieve in the future.

A pregnant woman who sees herself descending a mountain in a hurry in her dream, God knows best, may indicate that she will give birth easily, God willing.

Seeing a single young man descending a mountain in his dream, God knows best, may be evidence of the leadership spirit he possesses, and his handling of serious matters in life.

God knows best that seeing a mountain descending in a divorced woman’s dream indicates that she has overcome problems and obstacles, and has been freed from debts and financial crises.

In a married woman’s dream, God knows best, seeing herself descending from a mountain indicates comfort and a solution to the problems she is suffering from.

A dream about descending a mountain in a single girl’s dream, God knows best, may indicate that she will face many difficulties in her life, but she will overcome them, God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about climbing a snowy mountain in a dream

In a dream, and God knows best, seeing a snowy mountain indicates good luck for the dreamer.

When a person sees a mountain covered with snow in his dream, God knows best, this may be evidence that someone is hiding something important from him.

Seeing a white mountain in a dream indicates the possibility, God knows best, that he is close to happiness, tranquility and peace that he will achieve.

Dreaming of a white mountain covered with snow in a dream may be possible, God knows best, evidence of the steadfastness of faith in the soul and that he will reach high positions, and God knows best that it may indicate traveling to Hajj or Umrah.

When you see yourself rising above one of the holy mountains, such as Mount Tur, in a dream, this is possible, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a green mountain in a dream

Seeing a mountain in a dream with greenery and plants indicates the piety and faith of the believer in God Almighty.

When a person sees a mountain flat in front of him and its color is green in a dream, and God knows best, this may be a sign of some simple worries and problems that afflict him and make him sad.

Green plants on the mountain may indicate a person’s high status.

In a dream, and God knows best, seeing a green mountain and drinking its water indicates the profit that the dreamer will reap from his work and the profits that he will achieve.

Climbing a green mountain in a dream indicates good and abundant food that a person can obtain in the near future, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing water coming out of a mountain in a dream

When a person sees a mountain and water in a dream, this is good news about the happy and joyful things that the person will achieve.

The presence of water on the mountain in a dream may be a sign of goodness and abundant money that the dreamer will obtain in the near future of his life, and God knows best.

When you see water coming out of a mountain in a dream, God knows best, it may be a sign of the great comfort that he will feel in his life.

In a dream, water coming out of a mountain indicates that the dreamer’s condition will change for the better and he will get rid of the psychological and financial crises he is suffering from.

Seeing a well in a mountain in a dream indicates that a person will achieve what he wants after much effort and fatigue, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a house on a mountain in a dream

In a dream, when you see a house built on top of a mountain, this indicates happy things and good news in the dreamer’s life.

Seeing a beautiful house on a mountain in a dream may indicate that God knows best.

A luxurious house in a dream may be a sign of the abundant profits and livelihood that a person can achieve, and God knows best.

When one sees an isolated house on top of a mountain in a dream, and God knows best, this may be evidence of the person’s love for work and his commitment to obeying God.

God knows best that seeing a grave on top of a mountain in a dream indicates the possibility of that, and God knows best the isolation and seclusion a person lives in, and his suffering from it, and God knows best.