The interpretation of seeing a dead person kissing a living person has many meanings, and one of the most impressive visions is seeing a dead person in general in a dream, and it often indicates that it brings goodness to the guardian, but this varies depending on his condition, but what about the interpretation of seeing a dead person kissing the dreamer in a dream? This is what we will learn in detail through the website.

Dream of Kissing the dead to the living Islamic Interpretations & Meanings

Seeing dead people in a dream is one of the visions that arouses the curiosity of fortune-tellers and raises anxiety and fear in the dreamer.

  • This dream indicates that it is the girl who kissed the deceased, or whether he kisses her while he is near her, that is, within the family, to give her goodness and nourishment.
  • If a girl is studying at one of the levels of education, whether school or university, this indicates her success and distinction at that stage by obtaining the highest grades.
  • For an unmarried, uneducated woman, this indicates that the date of marriage is imminent or that she will find a suitable marriage.
  • The interpretation of seeing a dead person kissing indicates that the living person will get a good job that is compatible with his life and studies, or that he will reach a higher level in his current job.
  • If the deceased is an immediate family member, i.e. father or mother, this means that she misses them and will miss them in her current life, so they fulfill her dream so that she does not feel alone.
  • In the case of a person who does not live as a stranger to her and she discovers that she accepts him; That is, that kiss brings her goodness, happiness, and nourishes her.
  • To relieve her stress and ease her distress, even if she is sick with any disease, indicating that she will recover as quickly as possible.
  • The dream interpretation of the deceased kissing the living person for an unmarried woman indicates that she will have friends or acquaintances who will give her well and know her well, whether from work friends, from study, or even by chance anywhere.
  • If the deceased in the dream is one of the parents and the other person is alive; This shows the good relationship she has with her current father, her relationship with him, and the care she has towards him.
  • Having good morals is the greatest evidence of this dream. The dream indicates his calm morals, known among people everywhere.

Read also: Seeing dead people alive in a dream

A representation of the dead kissing life for the married woman

Some married women feel very happy if they see such a vision, while others become terrified, fearing for their children’s lives if they have children. However, the vision shows the stability of married life, but it differs according to some details. Therefore, we will explain the interpretation of seeing the deceased kissing a neighbor for a married woman below:

  • To continue her marital happiness between her and her husband, that is, to fix all their private situations, and avoid problems between them, so that they can live a happy life together.
  • If she has children, this dream suggests that her children have the good morals that she and her husband have tried to achieve in their upbringing and education.
  • In case of not having children, the dream shows good news to the dreamer that there will be children born soon, and the offspring will be good for them.
  • The dream also shows her good morals, which she loves in front of her husband’s family and the surrounding environment of friends or neighbors.
  • If she sees that the deceased is the one kissing her, this indicates a happy married life with her husband and children as well, even in the future.
  • The dream interpretation of a dead person kissing a living person indicates that it brings food and goodness, will carry out difficult tasks, and will reach a high position. It also indicates the dreamer’s good behavior and his blessed life.
  • The interpretation of a dream for a married woman is an indication of her closeness to the people around her who love her and who love her from family or friends, and whose kind words about her are always kind and happy.

Read also: Going with the dead in a dream

Interpretation of seeing the dead kissing the living for a pregnant woman

A pregnant woman is considered one of the most sensitive situations, because she is going through a lot of turmoil in her life, so she often feels fear and every event is related, as well as the dreams that she sees, to the life of her fetus, so let us reassure her. My heart is about the safety of her fetus as long as she complies with her doctor’s instructions. We will explain the interpretation of seeing a dead person alive for a pregnant woman through the following points:

  • The interpretation of seeing a dead woman kissing alive for a pregnant woman is an indication that the time of birth is approaching, and her birth will be easy and in a good place, and the doctors will treat her with kindness just as she is in pain and she will. Give birth safely without any consequences.
  • The vision shows the birth of good offspring, that is, a child who is obedient to his parents, is intelligent and wise in his studies, and will not spare them in the future.
  • If the deceased was a close family member, i.e. father or mother, this means that she misses them and misses them in her current life, so they fulfill her dream so that she does not feel alone. The amount of love and strong bond that binds them.
  • The dream shows marital happiness for her and her children, and it also expresses the strong relationship she has with her husband, the relationship she has with him, and the strong love relationship between them.
  • If the deceased has debts, it is her duty to pay them, and to give her alms from time to time.
  • The dream may be a sign that she will find a job that has special value for her, or that her husband will find this job and take another step in her life and change her situation from worse to better.

Interpretation of seeing the dead kissing the living for divorce

If the divorced woman was not lucky the first time, she may be lucky the second time, then the interpretation of that dream that will come to her is good.

  • Perhaps the dream is a sign of her happy marriage that will help her get rid of the old sorrows that filled her heart from her first marriage.
  • The dream is a sign that she will find a new job. If she is one of the women who loves work, then her life will move again and her circumstances will change from worse to better in stages, and suddenly change. And good for their circumstances.
  • This dream also indicates to a divorced woman that she will have friends or acquaintances who will achieve good fortune and that she will be well known, whether from work friends or neighbors.
  • If the deceased was a parent, i.e. father or mother; This means that she misses them, and that she misses them very much in her life now; They made her single mind in her dreams so that she wouldn’t feel alone
  • The dream also shows sadness and comfort from her life, whether material or moral, even if she is seriously ill, it will pass.
  • She is happy to find goodness in other fields, whether it is a job if she works, or success in studies if she finishes after studying, that is, near the end, which brings goodness and livelihood.

Read also: Interpretation of a dream about seeing dead people in a dream

The dead kissing the living in a dream for a widow

A widow’s suffering in life is very unfortunate for herself and for those around her; It is possible to see something simple like this that changes everything and gives him hope in life and many other things, so we will explain what scientists have done in dream interpretation about the interpretation of seeing the dead kiss. Live like this:

  • If the deceased had a parent, this indicates how much she felt the need of the parents, that is, that she needed care, such as taking care of spoiled children.
  • It is also said that the dream indicates the death of her grief, relief from distress if she is in distress, and the presence of relief and living with everything for her, which will facilitate her life and keep her away from hardship and distress.
  • If you see the deceased kissing the widow, this represents another suitable life partner; She has no shame, because her husband is dead, and she too lives as a lifeless corpse.
  • The dream represents the repayment of debts if one of the parents, mother or father, dies; She must give them alms, or find someone who has money with them to pay off debts, if any.
  • The dream represents an end to anxiety and relief for that woman, and she is removed from the dress of sadness and put on the dress of joy again.

Interpretation of seeing the dead kissing life for a married woman

Perhaps a married man lives an ordinary life with his wife and does not seem truly happy, then this dream shows him or her some of the marital happiness that he lives and many virtues, and this is what we will explain through the following:

  • If a mature, married man kisses the living dead man in the dream, this represents strong family ties, his love for his children, and his fear of them.
  • The dream shows his close relationship with his wife, his intense love for her, and his good morals and good behavior among people in general and his wife’s family in particular.
  • If his wife is about to give birth; This indicates the ease of his wife giving birth and giving birth to a good child, and her birth will soon be easy in a good place.
  • When seeing a dead person being kissed by a living person is interpreted, it indicates that anxiety and sadness will be removed from his life or from the lives of those close to him.
  • In the event that one of the married person’s children becomes ill, the dream indicates recovery as quickly as possible, as well as a good situation with his wife and stability of the marital relationship.
  • A kiss from the hand of the dead indicates that he left a large inheritance that he will receive as an inheritance, and that the man will live happily in the shortest period, but of course he must give sufficient zakat to the soul of the dead.
  • A kiss from the forehead of the deceased indicates that some old crises in his life will be resolved by alleviating distress, such as getting out of prison, paying off his debts, and recovering from an illness from which he suffers.

Read also: Interpretation of mourning the dead in a dream

Interpretation of seeing a dead person kissing a living person

A single person in life receives from marriage many visions that fill his heart with joy or panic and fear of what is to come.

  • The dream shows, depending on the relationship, whether there are relatives of the deceased mother or father; This shows how much he needs them and how tired and lonely he has been since the death of one of them.
  • The dream could be the embodiment of the coming of goodness for him, or goodness in marriage or work, that is, finding a suitable life partner for him, or changing his workplace from one to a better one, for example.
  • The dream of an individual shows how much he needs a woman’s kindness, tenderness and self-control in his life, so that his future wife will be close to him and be beautiful and mixed with good morals.
  • His good morals are the greatest evidence of this dream, which indicates the calmness of his morals, which people everywhere know.
  • Rising from distress or distress, or for the heavens to open new doors of livelihood for him, so he goes out to a new and better job for him, or recovery from a disease that is difficult to treat, and this is in the interpretation of the interpretation. Seeing the dead kissing the living.

The interpretation of seeing a dead person kissing a living person has many different meanings that vary depending on the dreamer’s condition and the path of the dream, so the dreamer must list all the details to get the correct interpretation.