How do I see dead people in a dream? In the following lines, we will learn how to see the dead in a dream, what are the reasons for not seeing the dead in a dream, and more details about seeing the dead in a dream.

Dream of How do I see the dead? Islamic Interpretations & Meanings

  • A person may long to see the dead in the dream, because he feels the absence of the dead
  • While many scholars have stated that not seeing the dead in a dream may not be the case, and God knows best. This may be a sign of evil
  • However, a number of researchers have mentioned that not seeing the dead person in a dream may be due to the dead person’s anger at himself or the dead person’s negligence in supplication and seeking forgiveness.

Is seeing dead people in a dream good?

  • There are many indications of seeing a dead person in a dream. There are cases in which a dead person appears in a dream and indicates kindness.
  • If he sees dead people in good condition, it may be a good sign. Also, God knows best, this may be evidence of the condition of the dead person.

Does the dead person feel his wife?

  • A number of researchers stated that the deceased feels for his wife, because the deceased is still in a marital relationship with his wife
  • The dead person also feels those of his family who visit him, and feels peace and sadness towards him, including the woman.

Do dead people feel worms?

  • Decomposition is one of the things that happens to a person after death, as bodies decompose after death, with the exception of the bodies of the prophets, as God forbade the bodies of the prophets on earth.
  • Just as worms eat the bodies of the dead, but how the dead feel about worms after death may change depending on the person’s actions.
  • If the dead person was one of the perpetrators of bad deeds, he feels disintegration because it is a kind of torment.

Do the dead feel Ramadan?

  • Some scholars have mentioned that the dead person feels his family and their visit, so if he visits the dead person, he feels him and his peace.
  • He pointed out that the best times to visit the deceased are Friday, the day before, and the day after

Do the dead sense time?

  • Many researchers stated that time is one of the matters related to events, as the dead stop doing actions and events after death, so the researchers stated that the dead do not feel time.
  • It should not be said that the dead person feels time, as researchers have indicated that the dead person does not feel the passage of time after his death.

Does the dead person feel when bathing?

  • Some researchers stated that the feeling of the dead person during ablution is a mysterious matter that should not be discussed, because the soul leaves the body after death.
  • Some scholars among us have mentioned that the soul knows who washes its body and watches over it
  • Therefore, it is not possible to make a firm statement about how the dead feel in washing, as researchers have not found any evidence in the Qur’an and Sunnah confirming this or not.

Is everything the dead person says in the dream true?

  • The belief that everything a dead person says in a dream is true is a mistake, because the words of the dead in a dream cannot be considered absolutely true.
  • Since some dreams come from the devil, it should not be considered that dreaming of dead people is true in all cases.

Does Satan represent the dead in a dream?

  • Some scholars have mentioned that Satan may appear in the form of a dead person, so not all of a person’s dreams about a dead person are true or real.
  • Therefore, it is not possible to make a specific statement that seeing dreams of death is real in all circumstances