Dreams indicate fraud. You may be exposed to fraud but without realizing it, and you may also know that you are being cheated from your dreams, through some symbols that express this..

Dream of Dreams indicate deception and manipulation Islamic Interpretations & Meanings

  • Deception is one of the things that a person may be exposed to in reality, and we may find some signs that express the dreamer’s deception.
  • A cat or kitten, this may indicate that the dreamer is being deceived
  • Snakes are also symbols that express the presence of someone trying to harm and deceive the dreamer
  • Seeing a lion chasing a dreamer who plans to harm and harm him may symbolize the vision of a lion

Dreams of reconciliation between spouses

  • Hugging the other party is a sign of the disappearance of problems and reconciliation between the spouses
  • Changing linens is a symbol of reconciliation between spouses
  • Giving gifts, such as seeing a dreamer giving a gift in a dream to a woman symbolizes the possibility of reconciliation, and God knows best
  • Eating fruit is possible, and God knows best, and seeing eating fruit in a dream indicates the possibility of reconciliation and removing disputes and problems with the wife and husband.

The vision indicates the evil eye

  • A green eye in a dream is one of the signs that indicate the evil eye
  • The grave, when one sees graves in a dream, symbolizes the evil and jealousy to which the dreamer is exposed.
  • Also, seeing an eye sign in a dream is one of the symbols that indicate the evil eye
  • Circle-shaped objects are symbols of envy and evil
  • Seeing an eye in a dream is also one of the symbols that express a person’s eye injury

Symbols that indicate the incompleteness of marriage

  • The slaughtered bird, in which if the dreamer sees a slaughtered bird in a dream, and God knows best, this may indicate a lack of marriage.
  • Loud wailing or crying, no matter how loud it is, and God knows best, indicates that seeing loud wailing or crying may symbolize the failure to complete the marriage.
  • Dreams of distress and feeling suffocated are symbols that indicate that the person will not consummate the marriage
  • It could also be a scorpion, and God knows best. Seeing a scorpion in a dream indicates the possibility that, and God knows best, marriage will not take place with the person.

Signs of upcoming engagement

  • There are many signs that indicate the engagement style of a girl or young man, and here we present some of these signs.
  • Heavy rain: If a single guy or girl sees heavy rain falling in her house, there is a possibility that this indicates an approaching engagement.
  • Leo also has the possibility that this indicates engagement and association with a powerful person
  • Long hair: If an unmarried girl sees her long hair in a dream, this may symbolize her engagement
  • The ring also has the possibility that it may indicate engagement and engagement of a bachelor and bachelorette

Dreams that indicate vulva

  • Seeing fruit is one of the symbols that expresses goodness and ease for the dreamer
  • The Kaaba or the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, are signs that express relief
  • Perfume is also one of the symbols that symbolize good, happy news and comfort
  • Honey is one of the things that symbolize joy and goodness

Dreams that testify to the magic of disrupting marriages

  • Demons, as if the dreamer saw demons in a dream, this may express the turmoil of the marriage
  • The black dog is one of the symbols that indicate the end of a girl or young man’s marriage
  • Music and Singing Loud singing and music are considered manali bananas, indicating disturbance in the marriage
  • Unknown places are one of the symbols that express marriage turmoil

Dreams that indicate the departure of magic

  • Light Seeing light in a dream is one of the symbols and indicators that express the exit of magic
  • Reading the Qur’an in a dream or any chair in a dream is one of the symbols that express the departure of magic
  • Killing snakes. Killing a snake in a dream may symbolize the possibility of magic appearing, and God knows best.
  • Climbing a mountain is also one of the symbols of human transcendence of intoxication and connection
  • Killing cats is a symbol that also indicates that the dreamer will be cured of magic, God willing