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Dream of Dream of snake Islamic Interpretations & Meanings

We will provide you with all the explanations along with the name of the member who requested the explanation or who responded in the same comment if the explanation was minor.

Today we are talking about the interpretation of dreams about a snake in a dream

Interpretation of dreams about a (living) snake. Snakes are not enemies, and that is why the accursed Satan called Adam to receive peace upon him. {And whoever fights the snake or fights, fights the enemy, until when he kills him, his enemy is victorious, and if he strikes him, he hates his enemy and eats his flesh, then it is protection from the enemy, and happiness and joy. .
If he sees a dead snake, then he is an enemy, and enough of the evil that God does without power or force, and his whites are his worst enemies and are more powerful than blacks.
He who fears the snake but does not see him sees his enemy but does not see him, and he who fears him but does not see him fears him and turns away from it. The snake is born from the urine stream, and whoever enters the house and seduces his enemy, then whoever sees that he has taken, he will have the property of the enemy in safety, as the Almighty said: {Take it and do not be afraid}.
And the little snake was born, and if he sees snakes fighting in the market, war will come and the enemies will be victorious, and the snake will be a sultan who hides hostility.
The snake is a woman, so whoever sees that he killed a snake on his bed, his wife will die.
If he sees a snake around his neck and cuts it into three pieces, separating his wife three times
and the snake’s legs and fangs, it indicates the strength of the enemy and the severity of his plots.
Whoever turns into a snake changes from one state to another and becomes an enemy of Muslims.
If he sees his house full of animals and is not afraid, then he harbors Muslim enemies in his house.
If he sees a snake walking behind him, then his enemy wants to come down with him, so if he walks in front of him or runs around him, then they are enemies who mix with him and do not harm him.
If he sees a snake entering his house and leaving it unharmed, then they are enemies of his household and relatives.
The flesh and fat of living people is an enemy of money.
And if he sees a snake fighting in every field and killing a big snake, then he belongs to that city.
If he had been seen alive coming down from the top of his head, he would have died there.
If he sees a snake emerging from the ground, torture him in that place.
If he sees his garden full of snakes, the garden will grow and the plants will grow and survive.
And whoever sees the belly of a snake: understanding loved ones, turning away from the person, is a disaster in human relationships.

Al-Nabulsi dreams of a snake : A snake appears to a man in the Valley of Dreams. It may be expressed by hostility toward parents, spouses, and children. Perhaps it was an evil, jealous neighbor, and the water snake was an assistant to the oppressor or a flag of the ruler.
Whoever dreams of owning a snake will be greatly affected by it.