Interpretation of a dream about seeing an oath on the Qur’an in a dream. The meanings of seeing an oath and an oath in a dream are multiple, so we present to you some of these interpretations, so that you know what it means to you..

Dream of Swearing on the Qur’an Islamic Interpretations & Meanings

Interpretation of a dream about seeing an oath on the Qur’an in a dream

_ If the dreamer sees that he swears an oath on the Qur’an in a dream to prove his guilt towards another person, this indicates cheating.

_It is also possible, and God knows best, that it may indicate the deception that characterizes the dreamer

_ If the dreamer sees that he is swearing an oath on the Holy Qur’an in a dream, this indicates his victory over the enemies

_If a married woman sees herself swearing by the Qur’an in a dream, this indicates that she will overcome some minor worries.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing someone swearing at me in a dream

_ If the dreamer sees someone swearing to him in a dream, this indicates that the dreamer will get rid of some simple worries that he is experiencing.

_ If a married woman sees that her husband swears by her while he does so, this indicates the disappearance of some minor worries

_If a pregnant woman sees someone insulting her, this means getting rid of problems

_If a single woman sees someone insulting her, this means that she will get rid of crises

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a covenant with God in a dream

– If the dreamer sees that he swears to God that he is telling the truth in the dream, this indicates victory over haters and enemies.

_ If the dreamer sees that he swore to God that he lied in the dream, this indicates his involvement in wrong matters and committing sins.

_If a married woman sees that she swears an oath to God, and he believes her in a dream, this indicates her distribution and strength.

_ If a pregnant woman sees that she swears an oath to God honestly, this indicates the birth of a child with honesty and morals

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a partition in a dream

– If the dreamer sees that he swears by someone other than God in the dream, this indicates the malice and deception that characterize the dreamer.

_If the dreamer sees that he swears by a false god, this indicates evil, fate, and crises

_ If a married woman sees that she swears by someone other than God in a dream, this indicates some simple matters

_ If an unmarried girl sees in a dream that she is swearing on someone other than God, this indicates problems and crises

Interpretation of a dream about seeing an oath to God Almighty in a dream

_ If the dreamer sees in the dream that he swears by God Almighty, this indicates things worthy of praise

_ As if he swore to the dreamer and it was true, this indicates his sincerity and honesty

_If the dreamer sees that he swore to God Almighty that he lied in the dream, this indicates problems and some small worries.

– Where possible, and God knows best, this may indicate false testimony by the major

Interpretation of a dream about seeing the phrase “Blessed be God” in a dream

_ If he sees himself in a dream repeating “Blessed God,” this indicates goodness and abundance of livelihood

_ If a married woman sees herself in a dream saying, “God bless you,” this indicates that she will receive a large income

_ If a pregnant woman sees in a dream saying, “Blessed be God,” this indicates that she will be blessed with a beautiful baby.

_If a single girl sees in a dream that she is saying, “Blessed be God,” this indicates the income that she will receive

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a statement that I fear God in a dream

_If the dreamer sees that he is saying that I will fear God in a dream, this may indicate that the dreamer has been exposed to some situations that may force him to make a mistake, but he will retreat.

_ It may also be a sign of the need for a discerning person to beware of committing sins and to fear God

– It is also possible, and God knows best, that this may refer to the piety and love that characterizes a person and his fear of God.

_ As God knows, it may be an indication of his repentance and withdrawal from committing sins and disobedience.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing the words of God, have mercy on him, in a dream

_ If the dreamer sees that he is praying to a living person for mercy, then this is the case, and God knows that it may be a sign of some of this person’s bad deeds.

– It is also possible, and God knows best, that this may be an indication that a person is suffering from some crises and some simple worries.

_ If the dreamer sees that he is praying for mercy over a dead person in the dream, this indicates this person’s need for prayer, seeking forgiveness, and zakat.

_ As much as possible, and God knows best, it may indicate the need of the deceased to remind his family of good deeds